LG begins B Corp certification process

Certified B Corporations are a new type of corporation which uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. 

imageLG began the certification effort today, with help from Ryan of Honeyman Sustainability Consulting, completing our first Impact Assessment.  We scored 63 points (see results below) which is a remarkable baseline.  The minimum to certify is 80 points, already putting us close based on our current business practices.

The next step is reviewing the areas ripe for improvement. The lowest hanging fruit will be documentation, tracking, and setting goals, getting away from the casual approach we’ve taken until now.  This is the merit (and inherent rigor) of B Corp certification: it forces a business to formalize its positive efforts.

Our first goal is to reach 80 points on the Assessment, and receive the certification, in honor of our 5 year anniversary (celebration set for September 15th of this year).

More on B Corps:  bcorporation.net
Watch Jay Coen Gilbert’s TED talk: On better business

B Corp IA Score